Friday, October 15, 2010

Silly school, tricks are for kids!

Tuesday: I have a math assignment due tomorrow and a French presentation I haven't even thought about for Thursday. I'll do the math homework tonight.

Wednesday: I have a French presentation I need to get done for tomorrow and a math assignment for Friday. I'll do my presentation tonight.

Thursday: I have a math assignment due tomorrow at 9 and I have appointments until 3:30 this afternoon.

It's almost funny how with these two classes, with two semi-major assignments due close together, I feel all stressed because I put in all this work and then I finish something... and then I am caught off-balance by another big assignment and it feels like my life is falling apart because it doesn't have this nice flow.

And then there's the Homeworking Mood Swing Effect:

8:30am - I am busy until 3:30om today, which gives me... 17.5 hours to work on this assignment if I don't eat or sleep. Okay. Let's start the day

3:30pm - Dang I hope I can pull this off. Some of my classmates started working on this yesterday. I don't know if I'll have enough time.

4:30pm - Wow I've been doing math for an hour and got about one question done.

6:00pm - I've completed about 30% of the assignment!

8:30pm - I've completed about 30% of the assignment...

1:00am - I've finished everything except our class wiki. It shouldn't be long before I get to sleeeep...

2:30am - Wiki's done! What else can I do? Laundry? Play music? Stay up until class at nine?

1 comment:

  1. so what did you do? laundry, play music??
