Sunday, November 28, 2010


Oh man, it's been a while since I've posted anything on here.

Well, I've been commissioned yet again to make posters for Kiersten and the Learning Commons.
This time she included a poster and invite for the Film Festival, with a specific request for "over the top".


I spent, what, two hours downloading fonts?
They're so preeetty...
and then, hm, another two hours making too many posters which I eventually whittled down to four?

I just can't decide!!
But I guess I really like the drama and boldness of the last two. And I think the first two are the least movieish.

And then I started making poster for normal workshop sessions but I'm not sure if it's just too weird and out there and artsy for a poster for a workshop. So I'm blogging instead.

I just want to make pretty posters....